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variation of rainfall中文是什么意思

用"variation of rainfall"造句"variation of rainfall"怎么读"variation of rainfall" in a sentence


  • 雨量变化


  • The intensity and the anomaly of the seasonal variation of rainfall often bring flood or drought , which can do great damages to local people ' s living and the development of economy
  • Using rotated eof to analyze regional character of annual and seasonal rainfall , its shows that the main variation of rainfall in the province is in direction from south to north , and the next for east and west
  • The precipitation frequencies is analysed according to 1956 ~ 2000 years of rainfall record series in baoding area . the features of distribution of rainfall are detailed evaluated . firstly , the distribution of monthly precipitation is not even . for instance . the annual rainfall amount is about 548mm in whole year , about 80 % of them in summer season . secondly , yearly variation of rainfall is greater . thirdly , the abundant years usually are followed by short years , but the important changes have taken place in the last decades . before 70 ' s the abundant years took the dominant position , from the 70 ' s to the middle of 80 ' s the short years took place more frequently than ever . after the later of 80 ' s , the short years hold the main position . the above knowledge is instructive for guiding the rainwater resources effective utilization
    本文利用1956 2000年保定市的长系列降雨资料,对保定市降水量进行了频率分析、年内变化分析和多年变化分析,明确了保定市降水量年内、年际间的变化情况:保定市降水量年内分配不均,汛期( 6 - 9月)占年降水量的81 。保定市降水量年际间变化大,丰水年和枯水年交替发生, 70年代以前以丰水年段为主; 70年代到80年代前期降水量丰枯交替频繁,总的接近于枯水年段; 80年代后期至今以枯水年段为主。这种降水分布规律对农业生产雨水资源的高效利用具有重要的指导意义。
  • The study on the time series of global land average seasonal precipitation points out that the interannual and interdecadal fluctuations of the rainfall are clear . the late 1940s - late 1960s and the 1980s - 1990s corresponds to wet period and dry period respectively , and the 1970s expresses a apparent interannual variation of rainfall
    指出降水有明显的年际和年代际尺度的振荡, 1940s末至1960s末为多雨期, 1980s至今降水多为负距平; 1970s降水的年际变化比较大。
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